Journal of Peace Strategies and Research (JoPSaR)
“The Journal of Peace Strategies and Research (JoPSaR)” aims to provide an open-access platform to everyone related to the field of peace and related areas. The researchers, professionals, students, and other interested individuals are welcome to share their research in the field of peace and related topics within their respective fields.
The JoPSaR will be published on the 15th day of March, June, September and December. The Journal covers a wide range of subjects in peace, without limitations to any specific field within these areas. The Journal encourages interdisciplinary research that involves in-depth analysis of the mentioned field along with other disciplines in the modern age.
The JoPSaR offers a thorough understanding of how socio-economic factors interact with peace through comparative research to address the complex issues present in modern society and carefully analyse and participate in discussions on contemporary topics.
We invite researchers, professionals, students and interested individuals to submit their research papers in the field of peace and related areas to our “The Journal of Peace Strategies and Research (JoPSaR)”. Visit the site at
The Research Park
The JoPSaR is a section of “The Research Park Division” (, Peace Park Publication Group, Tranquility Strategies Private Limited ( The Publisher’s goal is to create an innovative – noble culture of peace by publishing research papers that promote the progress of human society.